How to paint your face with gouache for the new year. Makeup for kids: ideas and tips

Drawings on the face with paints are very popular not only among professional actors, but also among ordinary people. Yes, on any children's event and a holiday, you can meet a fun procedure for decorating children's faces. There is not a single child who would not like to show off and show off their magnificent and colorful image. About what face painting is, and will be discussed in this article.

Face painting is a facial painting procedure. To create drawings, only special paints are used for this.. When applying gouache or watercolor, which are intended for paper, you can not only provoke irritation on the skin, but also spoil the child's face.

Face paints are a safe water-based product that can be washed off very easily with warm water. Even children's things that are heavily stained with paint are very easy to wash with ordinary powder.

What paints are used?

Face paints are ready-to-use or in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted with a certain amount of clean water. Modern manufacturers also offer their make-up paints in the form of pencils and aerosols, which not only facilitates the application process, but also significantly reduces the time for all stages of work.

What colors can be used to paint on the face? This question often arises among face painting beginners or those who want to please their child. Of course it's best to buy professional paints for face painting, but if this is not possible, you can make them yourself, but more on that later.

Preparation and drawing technique

The first step is to prepare everything you need for work. In a convenient location, there should be the right colors of paint, several brushes (necessarily of different sizes) and cotton pads for applying tone and eliminating erroneous strokes.

Before applying paint from any manufacturer to the skin of the face, it is necessary to check it on the fold of the arm or on another place where delicate skin is located. Most often, the compositions are applied with ordinary brushes. It is advisable to choose flat ones so that the application of paints is easier. In this case, the dye is consumed in a smaller amount.

It is very important that the brushes are soft and do not scratch the delicate skin of the face.

Before you start painting your face, the skin must be moisturized, any baby cream is suitable for this. Mandatory technology is the application of the initial tone. After complete drying, you can begin to draw the outline and small details of the overall picture.

To beautifully decorate the face, with even lines, it is recommended to hold the brushes perpendicularly. After drawing the contour, small details are filled. The final step will be to correct the overall drawing.

When creating masterpieces, face painting masters usually show all their imagination. It is almost impossible to create two absolutely identical looks, even on the same face, let alone two different ones. How to paint a face for children, you can learn from the instructions that should come with paints.

On the video: a set for face painting and organization of the workplace.

Do-it-yourself face painting paints

This technology is very simple and in the presence of all the necessary ingredients is very fast. Face makeup is called face painting because of one component - water. Therefore, for self-preparation of paints, pure water will also be an obligatory component.

What you will need:

  • baby cream - 15 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • food coloring.

First you need to dilute the starch with warm and clean water, and then add the cream. It should not be very greasy, as it will be very difficult to achieve uniformity. After the composition is ready, you can add dyes. It is better not to use the entire mass for one color or shade if the drawing is intended to be colored.

The paint should turn out to be creamy, so that later it lies well on the face and does not spread.

Such paints are natural and harmless. In this case, you can be one hundred percent sure that the paint will not harm the child's face.

Interesting ideas

At professional craftsmen that draw on the face, a whole series has already been prepared beautiful pictures, drawings or work already done by them. Any holiday has its own theme, and the images should correspond to it. Drawings on the face for children can be different, there are a lot of ideas.

Image options for girls:

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • insects;
  • cartoon characters.

When applying the image of animals, it usually does not require much effort, you only need to highlight the areas of the eyes, nose and mouth. Girls most often choose images of a cat, a fox or a lioness. Vegetation and floral ornaments look good on older girls. With the help of them, you can make images of fairies, nymphs or princesses. The standard colors for this motif are: yellow, red, green and white.

The most common and simple is the butterfly pattern. In this case, strict symmetry is required. When performing this image, you can show all your imagination and use the whole variety of the palette of shades.

Boys very often choose cartoon characters, for example, spider-man, or images of animals. For boys, it is recommended to choose brighter colors for face painting.

Very often, face painting is used for make-up, painting the body and face of the actors who play on stage, so that their image looks more vivid. Also, body paints can be used for professional photo sessions. Body paints can also be used on a child.

White paint when making up allows you to make a light tone and adds beautiful shades to all colors.

Many artists paint on the face only with paints, which are called face painting, because they are safe, and children's skin will not be injured after removing the drawing. If the drawing has already been drawn, but some details have been erased, it can be corrected or repainted at any time.

Face painting is gaining popularity more and more, especially among little girls, as they all watch how their mothers put on makeup and they want the same. But drawings on the face can only be done with special paints. How to draw on the face, any master who practices this lesson can tell, but beginners quickly understand the whole essence of this work.

Master classes in face painting (2 videos)

Options for drawings on the face (25 photos)

Children love to color and draw on each other. Therefore, for all kinds of children's parties, keep a set of carnival paints in your house. Even if parties are not planned in the near future, face painting is a great occasion to cheer up yourself and your loved ones.

If you are new to drawing, it is best to start with abstract and simple drawings: patterns, butterflies, clowns, Indians - they always work out, but in order to depict a cat or tiger muzzle, you must first practice. It would be nice, in general, to draw a sketch on paper first, so you will reduce the chance of mistakes, and you will not have to redraw.

We draw on the face. Tiger (cat)

  • At the beginning, light white makeup is applied. This is the nose, under the nose-cheeks, the upper eyelids of the eyes, the lower part of the chin and the contour of the face. And it's not just for the tiger. In most cases, bodypainting starts with light tones.
  • The next step is to paint over the rest of the face with a red tone. To apply paint on large surfaces, it is better to use a sponge. If you have several sponges and brushes available, this will make the job easier, you will not need to constantly wash the brushes and clean the sponge.
  • The third and last step is to apply tiger stripes on the cheeks, on the forehead, the tip of the nose with black paint, outline the white cheeks and draw a mustache and dots on the cheeks. You can paint your lips black, but it will not be very convenient for the child to eat later at the party. Allow the first layer to dry a little before applying a layer of paint to the existing makeup on the face, so that the paint does not smear.


A lot of entertainment is available to modern children, for example, children's face painting is very popular. This type of body art is safe due to the special composition of paints and is very popular at children's parties. Parents can do most of the face drawings on their own, but you need to know the rules for applying paints and the features of this technique.

Drawings on the face

Some parents confuse face painting with face painting. However, these are two different technologies. They make face painting drawings for children on New Year's holidays, birthdays and other events. The paint is used with a special safe water-based composition, therefore it does not cause allergies and does not clog into the pores on the skin. In addition, the composition is very elastic, does not crack when dried. High-quality paint should dry quickly and not get dirty during the operation of the face painting. Face art for children is popular: drawings do not lose their appearance for a long time and are easily washed off with soap and water.

Before proceeding with this procedure at home, you need to buy all the materials and tools for face painting. The price of paints and sets is acceptable. You can buy everything in an online store or supermarket, where there is a special department of goods for creativity. To make face drawings for children and adults, you will need the following:

  • paints of different colors;
  • sponge;
  • sponge;
  • brushes made of natural material;
  • pencils or crayons.

The face painting technique is simple even for beginners. However, before you paint the face of your beloved baby, you should consider the following contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • scratches, damage to the face;
  • skin diseases.

What can be drawn on the face depends on the age and gender of the child. Girls, as a rule, like images of flowers, muzzles of kittens or chanterelles, images of fairies, snowflakes or princesses. For boys, the make-up of a superman, a pirate, a wolf or a spider-man is more suitable. In any case, you need to take into account the wishes of the child and apply the image that he himself likes. It is important to take into account the age of the baby and not make the image too scary so as not to frighten your child. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to brush the child's face with a dry brush so that he gets used to the new sensations.

How to draw on the face of children with paints? The main steps and rules for beginners are described below:

  1. The base should be applied from the hairline with a sponge or sponge. Particular attention is paid to the nasolabial folds, the area around the eyes, eyebrows.
  2. With the help of a wide brush, the eyelids are treated.
  3. Eyebrows are drawn with a special pencil.
  4. The drawing is applied in stages: on the cheeks, lips, chin of the child.
  5. Work out the contours and small details.

Face painting for Halloween

One of the specific holidays that last years actively celebrated by adults and children is Halloween. The image on this day must be special, so makeup for children that turns them into zombies, vampires, witches and ghouls will be very appropriate. However, the makeup of the baby should be different from the adult. The paint should be tested for allergens, and the picture itself should not be too intimidating.

Face painting for girls

It is important for little fashionistas at any age to be the most beautiful. Face drawings for girls should be chosen according to the event. It can be:

  • bee;
  • fish;
  • The Snow Queen;
  • kitty;
  • butterfly;
  • a fox;
  • bird;
  • a princess;
  • angel.

Face painting for boys

When choosing an image for a boy, it is worth considering his age. If the child is small, then it is better to make him up as a harmless cartoon character, a kitten, a hedgehog or other cute animal. It is recommended to ask the baby himself what he wants to be. Drawings on the face for boys school age can be in the form of images of superheroes, pirates, koshcheev, ninja turtles, dragons.

Face painting for the New Year

One of the most long-awaited holidays for all children is the New Year. Face art masters are often invited to matinees on this occasion, who inexpensively and quickly paint all those present in fairytale heroes or cute animals. Professionals always have a catalog with a photo, where you can choose an image for yourself. If the parents decide to do the New Year's face painting for children on their own, then you can depict:

  • snowflakes;
  • princess;
  • penguin;
  • snowman
  • frosty pattern;
  • snow queen.

Face painting Cat

To turn your child into a funny cat, you need special paints, brushes, sponge, water and cotton buds. Below is an instruction with a photo on how to draw a cat on the face:

  1. With a sponge, a white base is applied (between the eyebrows, chin, bridge of the nose).
  2. Ears are painted with pink paint over the eyebrows.
  3. With a thin brush make a black outline of the ears.
  4. Draw the nose and mustache.
  5. Add pink hairs on the cheeks and chin.

Face painting Butterfly

One of the popular looks for girls of all ages is beautiful butterflies. However, before drawing such a picture to the baby, it is worth showing her photos of the samples, because not all girls will want such a face painting. If the model is ready, then follow the following instructions on how to draw a butterfly on the face:

  1. Apply foundation with white make-up (forehead, cheekbones).
  2. Draw the outline of the wings in black using a thin brush.
  3. Make another contour of a brighter shade with a brush of a larger diameter.
  4. Add fancy patterns in bright colors.
  5. On the nose of the child, draw the body of a butterfly with antennae.
  6. Add colorful stripes on the butterfly's body.
  7. You can add glitter if you like.

Face painting Tiger

This option is suitable for children. different ages. A tiger on the face will look spectacular on almost any holiday. To draw it, you will need orange, black and white paints, brushes of different diameters, sponge. The steps for creating a drawing on a child's face are described below:

  1. White paint for face painting draws the nose and cheeks of the future tiger cub.
  2. Depict the upper eyelid, the contours of the muzzle, chin.
  3. An even layer of orange paint is applied to the rest of the surface of the child's face.
  4. Details are drawn with black paint: mustaches, stripes, nose, mouth.

Face painting Spiderman

Many boys prefer this look for the holidays. Spider-man's face painting must be backed up with an appropriate costume. Even inexperienced make-up artists can draw a picture on the face of a child. It is necessary to prepare red and black paint for face painting, brushes of different thicknesses, wet wipes, cotton pads. Steps on how to paint a face:

  1. Apply a red foundation to the child's face with a sponge.
  2. Draw the outline of the glasses and the longitudinal stripes in black.
  3. Draw transverse lines, emphasize the details.

Face painting Doggy

The muzzle of a cute doggie can decorate the baby's face before visiting new year holiday, Halloween or other themed events. There are many options for the image of this animal. To draw a dog according to the instructions below, you will need brown, white, pink, black make-up paints. If desired, you can add a yellow tint. How to draw a dog face painting:

  1. From the eyebrows to the cheeks of the child, the puppy's ears are drawn with white paint.
  2. Apply white spots in the chin area above the lips.
  3. Draw the dog's tongue in the corner of the mouth with pink and white paint.
  4. Draw contours and small details in black.
  5. If the dog is drawn to a girl, then glitter is added if desired.
  6. Shade the face painting.

Face painting Fox

Every girl wants to be a cunning fox at least once. For such a case, you can try face painting with the appropriate costume. Below is step-by-step instruction how to paint a face to get the image of a fox:

  1. Apply a light yellow or white base.
  2. Draw eyebrows, arrows on the eyes, highlight the nose.
  3. If desired, draw a mustache, but you can do without them.
  4. Orange face paint is applied from the nose to the cheekbones.
  5. To make the fox fur seem fluffy, apply a few strokes of yellow and white along the edges.

Face painting Pirate

This option will win on any children's holiday. How to make a pirate makeup for a child:

  1. Draw a red bandana with a knot and dangling tips.
  2. One eye is circled, a pirate bandage is depicted.
  3. Draw a mustache and beard.
  4. The bandana is decorated with white polka dots.

Face painting Bear

This version of face art is suitable for kids of any age. If you need to decorate the girl's face, then the teddy bear can be depicted with a bow. The procedure will require standard set materials, white, brown, black paint. How the muzzle of a teddy bear is painted on the face of a child is described below:

  1. On the forehead, chin, near the ears of the child draw the contour of the bear's head.
  2. Ears are depicted on the forehead.
  3. The area of ​​​​the mouth and nose is drawn with a lighter brown paint, the rest is dark.
  4. Draw the muzzle of the bear with black paint.
  5. Cheeks are highlighted with light paint.

Face painting Princess

Almost any girl will be delighted with such an image for a New Year tree or other event. The face painting Princess will be especially relevant for true fashionistas who adore puffy dresses and sequins. Stages of creating a drawing:

  1. With pink face painting paint, the contours of the future crown are drawn on the child’s forehead.
  2. Sponge or sponge paint over the crown with pink.
  3. Highlight the contour with black glossy paint using a thin brush.
  4. Sequins depict a diamond in the center of the crown.
  5. A pendant is drawn with white paint between the eyebrows.
  6. Draw long eyelashes on the upper eyelid with black face paint.
  7. The tops of the lips are highlighted in scarlet.

Face painting Lion

Another good option for making up children is the image of a lion. Boys are especially suited for this option. To create a Leo face painting yourself, you need to prepare a container with water, brushes, a sponge and paint in black, brown, orange, yellow. Stages of creating a drawing:

  1. The base is applied with yellow paint.
  2. Draw the outline of the lion's fur in orange.
  3. White paint highlight the mouth and area around the eyes of the child.
  4. Dark color draw eyebrows and cat's eyes.
  5. A white mustache is depicted above the lip.
  6. Brown paint shade the transitions near the eyes and mouth.

Price for face painting

You can order face painting from a professional face painter. Different companies offer this service at an hourly rate. The cost depends on the number of children and the specific region. How much does professional face painting cost? The price can vary from 800 to 2500 rubles per hour. Another option for parents is to buy paint brushes and decorate the children themselves. The price of the set depends on the configuration. On average, you will have to pay from 600 to 3000 rubles. For pencils and crayons, the price was set at 150-400 rubles per set.

Face painting for children-

inimitable and amazing addition to any carnival, children's New Year's costume or a fun part of a children's party.

Using special water-based paints, brushes and spending just a few minutes, you can give your child a real fairy tale. The kid, as if by magic, will turn into a fairy princess or a beautiful butterfly, a pirate or a spider man, a cat or a tiger, a bear cub or a cute bunny.

Young children not only love to transform into their favorite fairy-tale characters, but also watch how the magic of applying face painting happens.

Grim fish

You can use face painting, make-up or decorative cosmetics. The main condition, be sure to check the reaction of the child's skin to makeup or decorative cosmetics, because cases of allergic reactions to paint components are not uncommon.

If you use an aquagram, the risk of allergic reactions is practically excluded, so it can be safely applied to the face of a child prone to allergic reactions. The composition of face painting includes water-based paints that are safe for sensitive skin child. Face painting dries quickly, does not spread, is easily washed off with water when washing, and when it gets on clothes, it is perfectly erased. And with all this, face painting has bright saturated colors which kids love so much.

Grim Hello Kitty

Face painting is applied to the skin with thin brushes or small sponges. Using different colors, you can create works of amazing beauty on the face of a child that will be worthy of the most amazing and magical masquerade and carnival.

So arm yourself bright colors and the ability to draw!

Grim bear

For boys, the following images are suitable: tiger, pirate, spider-man, dog, teddy bear, hare, etc.

Grim hare

For girls, the following images are suitable : butterfly, bunny, cat, ladybug, Hello Kitty, bee, etc.

Before applying makeup to the face, be sure to ask about what the child would like. In no case do not insist on an image that the baby does not like at all. By doing this, you can not only spoil the child's mood, but even scare him.

Grim dog

Grim butterfly

Grim lion

Witch makeup

Spiderman Grim

Grim cats

Entertainment events or children's holidays are now not complete without makeup artists. Brushes and jars of paints are a common attribute of such parties. After studying the instructions, it will not be difficult to draw a cartoon character or a funny animal on the baby's face. Face painting for girls looks especially bright. This is an opportunity not only to enjoy the procedure itself, but also a chance to save money, because this type of creativity is not cheap.

A children's holiday will be held in a more cheerful atmosphere if you create an image of your favorite hero or animal on the baby's face. It can be done with mom's cosmetics, but such a face painting will be unstable. Not only the result itself will be amazing, but the process itself will bring a lot of joy. This is the recipe good mood at any children's event.

Creativity Safety

For face painting, special paints are produced, which can be purchased at specialized stores. They are intended not only for painting the face, but also for the body as a whole. Face painting looks great on the arm or leg of the baby.

The basis of the material contains only natural raw materials and can be sold both in jars and in tubes. You can choose colors individually or as a whole set. Such paints have advantages:

In spite of natural composition paints, they have one drawback: they can cause allergic skin rashes. This rarely happens, but to avoid such a nuisance, parents should follow the instructions for using face painting.

Make-up should not be applied to children under 3 years of age. Before applying aquacolor, it should be tested. It is better to do this on the back of the hand. The kid should not wash off the paint for half an hour. If the skin does not turn red in this place, then you can proceed with the procedure.

Necessary materials

If the decision to please the child with face painting is made, then you should take care of necessary materials. In some cases, there will be differences that depend on the selected pattern. But main list necessary tools next:

Paints must be taken on a water basis. They are available in the form of pencils and just paints.

Pencils should be abandoned, since it is more difficult to draw with them and you need to have a certain skill, while drawing with paints will be mastered by a beginner. When choosing a brush, you should give preference to a thick one, but with a thin tip.

Step by step master class

After the decision is made, the image of which character or animal will be drawn on the face, you need to acquire a stencil for this drawing. You can make face painting at home using popular schemes. The drawing is selected depending on who the image is applied to. Face painting for boys is always courageous, and sometimes intimidating. The most popular drawings for guys:

First of all, you need to choose materials and schemes to make face painting for children. Master class on drawing a tiger includes the following steps:

  1. Take orange paint for tone and paint the entire face of the baby, except for the area under the nose and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows, which require white paint.
  2. With the help of black, horizontal lines are drawn on the forehead, cheeks and from the inner line of the eyes.
  3. In the area of ​​the face painted in white, the image of the antennae, eyelashes and fangs is applied with black paint. The muzzle of the tiger is ready.

Batman is very popular among boys. This drawing is easy enough to do:

  1. You will need black paint to draw the contour of the wings around the eyes, which is then painted over.
  2. The torso of the hero is the nose and part of the forehead, painted in black.
  3. On the upper part of the forehead, a semicircle of the moon is depicted in yellow paint.
  4. The final stage is the application of a white outline.

Face painting for girls implies gentle and colorful drawings . Young Ladies' Choice:

If the baby chose face painting "butterfly", then the following steps should be taken:

  1. A bright base is applied around the eyes in the form of wings. Color suitable purple, blue, yellow or pink.
  2. The child's nose is the body of a butterfly, and the head with antennae is drawn between the eyebrows.
  3. Any dark paint a contour is applied, the wings are highlighted with wide strokes.
  4. Additionally, rhinestones and sequins are used.

Face painting for beginners includes very simple drawings. It can be a dog, a cat, a bunny, a fox, a squirrel, a lion, a dragon, or a season, for example, autumn. It is enough to take one lesson and you can already please the child with your creativity.

Girls are very fond of bright makeup, so they prefer beautiful flowers, patterns or an image. Little Pony. A rainbow, a bright heart and sparkling stars will delight the modern fashionista.

The idea of ​​makeup depends on the imagination of the child and the creativity of his parents. If the party is themed, then face painting for adults is also suitable. Dad and mom can act as a cat and a pussy. It will bring great pleasure to the younger generation and bring zest to the holiday party.